Jars Of Clay Invite Fans To Remix New Christmas Song
NEWS SOURCE: Jars Of Clay; Jesusfreakhideout.comOctober 3, 2007 Jars of Clay is inviting fans to remix one of their songs once again. The guys write: "How often have you heard the traditional songs of the Christmas season and thought 'Wow, that tune could really use a ramped up beat and THEN we could really get this holiday kicked into high gear!' OK, maybe you've never thought that, but someone has and it is that special someone we had in mind when we teamed up with jamglue.com to bring you a remix contest. Just head over to Jamglue to get the song parts you need to create a new mix for the song "Love Came Down At Christmas" from the new Christmas Songs album. Jamglue also has a remix program that you can use within your browser - so you will not need an external application like Garageband to participate! The guys will be deciding the winner from eligible entries and the grand prize is a shiny new ipod nano!" Interested? Follow this link to start remixing!
For the Jesusfreakhideout.com PReview of their new album Christmas Songs, click here.
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